
Upcoming free workshops

what to bring and how to prepare in advance

The details for both online events are below:

Sunday June 2 /

19h00 CET
18h00 UK
10h00 Pacific

Join Zoom Meeting

Meeting ID: 820 3220 8218
Passcode: 384588

Sign up and create a Pinterest account HERE
Bring a notebook and pen!

40-Day Meditation and Yoga Sadhana / Bi-langue
Monday 3 June - Saturday 13 July

05h00-07h00 CET
04h00-06h00 UK
20h00-22h00 Pacific

Here are the details for the Sadhana:

We will build our practice slowly starting with 1h30 min sessions for the first 2 weeks and increasing to 2hr for the last two weeks with longer meditation and breath work. Please bring a cushion, blanket and a mala or rosary to practice.

Our practice is simple and slow to provide a deep sense of peace.
We begin with 30 minutes of Japa meditation (you will need a mala or rosary)

  • 30 minutes of Pranayama: 15 minutes of Kapalabhati / 15 minutes of Alternative breathing

  • 45 minutes of Asana: 3 Slow Sun Salutations, 8 Leg Raises, Shoulder Stand, Fish pose.

  • 15 minutes of Relaxation

Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 873 9937 7252
Passcode: 130213

If all of the above is new to you then worry not, as our focus is our daily connection to the group and ourselves.

If you are joining the free online workshop or 40-day Sadhana next weekend just a note to ask you please arrive on time. If you have any tech issues and need help I am available for 10 minutes before we begin via email.

Please let me know if you wish to join,
See you online soon
Much love
Tamsin x

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