Welcome to Unfolding Conversations, the newsletter of littlefrenchretreat.com and TamsinJardinier.com - for restorative practices, creative inspiration, and a mindful approach to life and work…

Weeks passed and between taming a garden, celebrating a birthday and welcoming retreat guests I realised I had been still, rooted to my corner from which life turns.
So with no particular reason other than to photo-walk with my camera in hand and wile away time with ease, I took off on a semi-spontaneous sejour, as the sun shone, to follow the light around the empty streets of Saint Macaire. A dilapidated village, with a faded facade awash in a palette of greens, aubergine, and coral.
That’s all that was needed for a moment to reboot and renew my perspective. An afternoon’s saunter to drench my senses in the timeless appeal of the sud ouest, and to appreciate simple things that may inspire the next pots waiting to be made.
‘A Rendez-Vous for one’ or ‘An Artist date’ is a practice to keep your creativity alive, and nurture a sense of wonder and openness that creates space for the unexpected to be present. It doesn’t need to be a grand gesture but a regular moment to be with yourself, once a week or as often as you can….
Practice ‘a rendez-vous for one’ or Artist Date when :
You are lacking inspiration
Need to let go of the list of things to do
Refresh your vision to look again with new eyes
Change your thoughts
Appreciate all that you have
For wellbeing practices and retreats, you can discover more HERE
For online coaching to inspire your creativity you can find me HERE
Until next time,
much love, Tamsin x
Tamsin, how wonderful to meet you briefly at Kate Hill’s! I looove this post. I did a 12-week practice of Julia Cameron’s The Artist’s Way with a group this summer… and we put huge emphasis on Artist’s Dates. How lucky are you to have the sud ouest of France at your doorstep. A new fan - Debbie
Artist Dates are essential for revitalizing creativity! Thanks for the reminder, Tamsin. I think I will make a plan to go to the Sister Corita exhibit at Collège des Bernardins this week ✨